Social Groups


Hang out, socialize & make friends at Inclusion Fusion!

Our Social Groups are a fun way to get involved, socialize, meet people like you, make friends & have fun!

Group Placements:

Each social group member is placed in a group based on personality, interests & social skills. After signing up, we will meet you and determine the best group placement for you, so that you have the most opportunity to make friends & meet people you get along with!

Group Sizes:

Our social groups attendance range from 3-20 peers. We understand that everyone prefers different social settings, so whether you like a small group setting or a large group setting, we pair you in the group size that works best for you!

For teens & adults!

All of our social groups are separated by age, interests, personalities & social skills!

Weekly groups include:

  • Interactive Group games

  • Fun activities (different every week!)

  • Meeting people around your age with similar interests & personality

Sign up for our Social Groups!